Sång: Ge sig av till Tiananmen

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Leaving for Tiananmen

Mama tomorrow I'm leaving home
For Dafa's name, I feel that I must go
It pains my heart to see your black hair turn gray
I know you worry that they'll take me away

(2nd Verse Sung in Chinese)

Ma Ma, Qing Ning Bu Yao Wei Er Qian Gua
(Mama, please don't you worry for me)
Zi Gu Wei Zhen Li Zong Hui Fu Chu Dai Jia
(Truth's been safeguarded since antiquity)
Da Fa Jiao Hui Liao Hai Er Zhen-Shan-Ren
(Dafa has taught me to seek Zhen-Shan-Ren [Truth-Compassion-Forbearance])
Zai Duo De Ku Nan Er Yuan Cheng Shou Ta
(Now I'm prepared to face the storms ahead)

Mama, please listen to these words of mine
Fame, wealth, and gain I have left behind
All I desire is a heart pure and bright
Why fear the cold winds on a stormy night?

Mama, you raised me to speak the truth
And think of others in all that I do
When you see the plum blossoms announcing spring
Mama, I hope you will be proud of me
Mama, I hope you will be proud of me

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