Utövaren Yu Cuilan hålls fängslad vid Heizuizis kvinnofängelse och hennes liv är i fara

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Falun Gong-utövaren Yu Cuilian fördes den 23 december 2006 Heizuizis kvinnoarbetsläger i provinsen Jilin. Hon var då, efter att ha genomgått tortyr, mycket mager och nästan förlamad.

På morgonen den 19 maj 2006 arresterades Yu av personal vid staden Changchuns nationella säkerhetsbyrå. Hon blev då torterad i syfte att få fram information och som följd av tortyren blev Yu handikappad och led av hjärtsvikt.

Även om Yus liv var i fara tvingades hon delta i två rättegångar. Varje gång var hon tvungen att bäras in och under den första rättegången krävde hon syrgas och medicin. Utan att ha en chans att tala dömdes Yu till tio års fängelse.

Yu lade in en protest till mellandomstolen men innan hon ens hunnit skicka in pappren hölls en rättegång emot henne. Yu arresterades och fördes den 23 december 2006 till Heizuizis kvinnoarbetsläger i provinsen Jilin.


(Note: for home or office phone numbers, dial country code + area code before all numbers. For cell phone numbers, dial only country code before the numbers. Country code: 86, area code: 431)

The Criminal Court of the Intermediate Courthouse in Changchun City

Chief Judge Huang Jiachun, involved in the trial against Ms. Yu: 88558602
Tan Fangzheng, Associate Court Director of the People's Court of Luyuan District in Changchun City, involved in the trial against Ms. Yu: 88559728

Wang Yi and Wang Jinghui, Heads of the Second Division of the Procuratorate of Factory District of Changchun Auto Company (the Public Procuratorate), 5901132 ext 9409

Wang Haiqing, Director of the Central Hospital of the Prison Administration Bureau of Changchun City: 82938005
Wu Changlong, Head of the Prison Political Division: 86807090
Instructor Liu of the Police Hospital: 86807107

The Women's Prison of Jilin Province
P.O. 1048, Heizuizi, Changchun City, 130000

Prison: 5375089
The Prison Hospital: 5375084, 5375008
Xu Guangsheng, Director of the prison: 5375001 (Office), 2725199 (Home), 13704362518 (Cell)
Gao Mingya, Associate Director of the prison: 5375002 (Office), 13604425882 (Cell)
Wang Jie, Associate Director of the prison: 5375003 (Office), 2842148 (Home), 13504482003 (Cell)
Wu Zeyun, Associate Director of the prison: 5375004 (Office), 8694030 (Home), 13604449573 (Cell)
Zhao Xijun, General Secretary of the CCP Committee of the prison: 5375005 (Office), 7908699 (Home), 13604362560 (Cell)

The 610 Office of Jilin Province:
Lu Quanzhen, former Associate General Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Director of the 610 Office, and a member of the Legal Committee of the People's Congress of Jilin Province
Zhang Mingjiu, Director of the Administration Office of the 610 Office of Jilin Province: 8905959, 13604443111 (Cell)
Li Guanghui, Department Director of the 610 Office of Jilin Province: 8904870

The Police Department of Changchun City:
Gao Xuezhang, Director of the Police Department of Changchun City: 13331668001 (Cell) 88907001(Home)
Zheng Weiming, Associate Director of the Police Department of Changchun City: 13904300812 (Cell), 85205577(Home)

Kinesisk version: http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2007/2/22/149521.html
Engelsk version: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2007/3/6/83266.html

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