Wei Laihe, en Falun Gong-utövare från staden Tangshan, har avlidit på grund av förföljelsen

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Wei Laihe var en trettiosjuårig utövare från området Linxikuang i distriktet Guye, staden Tangshan i Hebeiprovinsen. Innan öppnandet av den 16:e kongressens representationsmöte, bröt sig polisen in hos Wei och tog honom med till polisstationen och påstod sig ”vara i behov av ett samtal med honom." De låste in Wei på polisstationen och han påbörjade en hungerstrejk i protest mot den olagliga arresteringen. Ett par dagar senare fick familjen tillåtelse att ta hem honom. Wei avled trots att de skickade honom till sjukhuset för att få intensivvård.

Ansvariga personer och avdelningar:

Zheng Jungang is the Director of the "610 Office" of Guye District in Tangshan City. The phone number of the "610 Office" is 86-315-3563115.

The Guye District Police Substation is located at the east side to Yongxing Road. The phone number is 86-315-3562730. The phone number of Division Three of the Guye District Police Substation is 86-315-3562310.

Zhang Zhemin is the Director of the Central Committee of Guye District. His phone number is 86-315-3580115.

Liu Zheng is the Head of Division One of the Guye District Police Substation.

The phone number of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Guye District is 86-315-3563120.

The phone number of the Guye District People's Court is 86-315-3562420.

The phone number of the Guye District Government is 86-315-3582688.

The phone number of the Guye District People's Procurator is 86-315-3563120.

The phone number of the Guye District Civil Administration Department is 86-315-3562025.

The phone number of the Guye District Legislative Department is 86-315-3562765.

Lindong Police Substation is located at 1 Linxixinlin Street, Guye District. The phone number is 86-315-3561330.

Linxi Police Substation is located at Linxifuxili, Guye District. The phone number is 86-315-3561210.

Dongbei District Police Substation is located at Goubeigongfang, Guye District. The phone number is 86-315-3545610.

There are two police substations in Zhaogezhuang Village. One is Damalu Police Substation, located on the north side of Liberation Street in Zhaogezhuang Village, Guye District. The phone number is 86-315-3502510. The second is Changchunlu Police Station, located on Xiloubei in Zhaogezhuang Village, Guye District. The phone number is 86-315-3502750.

Zhang Ruiming was originally from the Guye District Lindong Police Substation. Now he is in Division Three of the Guye District Police Station.

Wan Lanfeng was originally the Head of the Guye District Police Substation. Now he is the Director of the Dongbei District Police Substation at Zhaogezhuang Village.

Zhao Zijin was originally a policeman in the Lindong Police Substation of Guye District. Now he is the Vice Director of the Zhaogezhuang Police Substation.

Chu Junfeng was originally a policeman in the Lindong Police Substation of Guye District. Now he is the Vice-Director at that substation.

Wu Xiqian is a policeman in the Lindong Police Substation of Guye District.

Li Dandong is the Vice Director of the Linxi Police Substation of Guye District.

Lu Jiping is the Head of the Linxi Police Substation of Guye District.

Översatt från: http://clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2003/6/9/36723.html

Kinesisk version: http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/5/28/51167.html

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