Tortyr vanligt förekommande vid Jilinprovinsens kvinnofängelse

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Tortyr, misshandel och andra bestraffningar är vanligt förekommande vid Jilinprovinsens kvinnofängelse. I augusti 2002 inledde en utövare en hungerstrejk för att protestera mot den olagliga förföljelsen. Utövaren avled efter att vakterna beordrat andra intagna att tvångsmata henne.

Labor Reeducation Bureau of Jilin Province Judicial Department
(Name, Position, office phone, home phone, cell phone)
Wang Tingjun, head, 2795093, 7925515, 13804337355
Yang Yong, deputy head, 2794283, 5304435, 13904330951
Ding Zhaowei, deputy head, 2750228, 2761566, 13844066777
Liu Tiejun, deputy head, 2750166, 8960838, 13504301166

Jilin Province Women's Labor Camp
(Name, Position, office phone, cell phone)
Ma Liting, head, 5384323, 13843020118
Chen Li, deputy head, 5384312 ext. 802, 13086825555
Fan Youlan, deputy head, 5384312 ext. 803, 13009129333
Zhao Zhiyuan, deputy head, 5384312 ext. 804
Tian Yuan, deputy head, 5384312 ext. 805, 5643627 (home)
Liu Benwen, head of Disciplinary Committee, 5384312 ext. 806, 7932581

Jilin Province Prison Administration Bureau
(Name, Position, office phone, home phone, cell phone)
Zhu Guozhi, head, 275000, 8969266
Zhang Zhensu, deputy head, 2750004, 7919580, 13704366006
Yu Guangsheng, deputy head, 2750005, 8586398, 13904333821
Xu Fumin, deputy secretary of Party Committee, 2750006, 2744928, 13604326388
Zhao Xiande, deputy head, 2750007, 2707063, 13704366106
Wang Chengwu, secretary of Party Committee, 2750015, 2779496
Liang Xing, head of Prison Administration Division, 2750062, 8959063, 13904333831
Wang Xishan, deputy head of Prison Politics Division, 2750062, 8942042, 13180828678
Wang Dehui, head of Punishment Execution Division, 2750063, 7815658, 13843056198
Liu Dewei, deputy head of Punishment Execution Division, 2750063, 2925600, 13179005106
Liu Zhongxin, head of Education Reform Division, 2750075, 7811766, 13843093993
Li Gang, deputy head of Education Reform Division, 2750075, 2931352, 13943095519
Cong Chunhua, head of Hygiene Division, 2750030, 2919686, 13086814279
Liu Mengyi, deputy head of Hygiene Division, 2750030, 5644226, 13086884865

Jilin Province Judicial Department
(Name, Position, office phone, office phone, home phone)
Zhu Guozhi, head, 2750001, 2750020, 8969266
Feng Mingfang, deputy head, 2750199, 2750169, 2700185
Liu Zhenyu, deputy head, 2750185, 2750205, 7630589
Li Wencai, deputy head, 2750206, 2750186, 2763656
Yu Wanzhou, head of Political Division, 2750209, 2750189, 8977918
Lu Jun, secretary of Disciplinary Committee, 2750181, 2750208, 8588638

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