Zhao Tingyun torterades till döds på den nionde dagen i häktet

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Zhao Tingyun var född 1951 och arbetade på Xinxiangs bussfabrik. Hon bodde i fabrikens familjebostadsområde. Hon började utöva Dafa i januari 1998 och har internerats ett flertal gånger sedan förföljelsens början i juli 1999.

Den 6 januari 2006 åkte Falun Dafa-utövaren Zhao Tingyun till en annan utövare, Li Beiping, nära Hongqi sjukhus i staden Xinxiang. Poliserna som var utsatta för att bevaka Li Beipings bostad arresterade Zhao och tog henne med sig. Hon höll en hungerstrejk i protest mot den olagliga arresteringen och tvångsmatades brutalt. Hon dog nio dagar senare, den 15 januari klockan 05:00.

Telefonnummer till de ansvariga:

Xiao Yukui, head of the 610 Office: 86-373-2026482 (office)
Xinxiang City Police Department: 86-373-5029909, 86-373-5030531
Ding Baodong, head of the police department: 86-373-5030501, 86-13837306666 (old), 86-13803801088 (new)
Zhu Guanghui, political secretary and daily affairs deputy head of the police department: 86-13903738130, 86-373-5030502
Li Xincheng, deputy head: 86-373-5030505
Jia Haiqing: 86-373-5030506
Zong Wantai, deputy head, in charge of persecuting Falun Gong: 86-373-5030509 (office), 86-13503801898 (cell)
Anti- [slanderous term omitted] Investigation Section is in charge of persecuting Falun Gong
Hao Jingyu: 86-373-5048599 (office), 86-13703738887 (cell)
Zuo Chuanbao: 86-373-5030552 (office)
Fan Jianfeng: 86-13839062222 (cell)
Police department 610 Office: 86-373-5030600, located on the fourth floor of the police department building
Hongqi Police Department in Xinxiang City: 86-373-3054897, 86-373-3063539, 86-373-3073541, 86-373-3045899, 86-373-3036645, 86-373-5030890
Li Jian, head of police department: 86-373-3054899 (office), 86-373-2025287 (home), 86-13903801666 (cell)
Shen Shumin, political head: 86-373-3063539 (office), 86-13903730628 (cell)
Cui Yuming, deputy head of the police department: 86-373-3032300 (office), 86-13837360666 (cell)
Jiang Wensheng, Disciplinary Inspection Committee at the Hongqi Police Department: 86-13803730169
Zhang Zhang, head of the National Security Division at the Hongqi Police Department: 86-13598669866 (cell), 86-373-3021457 (office)
Wang Tiancun, deputy head of National Security Division at the Hongqi Police Department: 86-373-3027136
Lu Guoliang, deputy head of National Security Division at the Hongqi Police Department: 86-373-3027136
Gao Guangkuan, deputy head of National Security Division at the Hongqi Police Department: 86-373-3027136
Nanhuan Police Department in Xinxiang City: 86-373-5095994
Weibei Police Department in the Weibin District: 86-373-2023232, 86-373-2044858, 86-373-2014816, 86-373-2814742

Översatt från: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2006/1/25/69329.html
Kinesisk version: http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2006/1/20/119069.html

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