Den kvinnliga Dafa-utövaren Hou Guimin dör efter fall medan hon flyr polisen

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Hou Guimin var en 45-årig Dafa-utövare som arbetade vid Shanhaiguan skeppsvarv i staden Qinhuangdao i Hebeiprovinsen. I januari 2000 arresterades hon i Peking efter att ha stått upp för Falun Dafa. Hon kvarhölls i häktet i sex månader. En dag i juli 2001 kom polisen till hennes hem för att arrestera henne. Då hon försökte fly föll hon och dog i fallet.

Shanhaiguan District Office of Qinhuangdao City Police Department
Address: S. 102 Road
Phone: 86-335-5051152

Standing Committee of Qinhuangdao City People's Congress
Address: 95 Wenhua Rd., Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
Phone: 86-335-3220335

Qinhuangdao City People's Government
Address: 95 N. Wenhua Rd., Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
Phone: 86-335-3032608

Qinhuangdao City Prosecutor's House
Address: 288 N. Minzu Rd, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
Phone: 86-335-3067430

Qinhuangdao City Broadcasting Bureau
Address: 33 Jianshe Blvd., Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
Phone: 86-335-3624099

Qinhuangdao City Police Department
Address: 61 Wenhua Rd, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
Phone: 86-335-3034919

Dockyard Office of Qinhuangdao City Police Department
Address: Gangcheng Blvd, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
Phone: 86-335-3736788

Qinhuangdao City Judiciary Bureau
Address: 281 Jianguo Rd, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
Phone: 86-335-3062182

Qinhuangdao City Civil Affairs Bureau
Address: 241 N. Wenhua Rd., Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
Phone: 86-335-3213330

Qinhuangdao City Appeal Office
Address: 95 Wenhua Rd, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
Phone: 86-335-3220103

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