Li Yutong är den åttonde kända utövaren som dött till följd av tortyr i Yinmahes arbetsläger i Dehui, Jilinprovinsen

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Enligt en tillförlitlig källa dog Li Yutong av tortyr den 6 november under tiden som han var olagligt internerad i Yainmahes arbetsläger i Dehui i Jilinprovinsen. Hans kropp kremerades omedelbart dagen efter.

Enligt bekräftade uppgifter har åtminstone åtta Falun Gong-utövare torterats till döds i Yianmahes arbetsläger.

Li Yutong bodde i byn Biangang i Dehui. Han kidnappades av polisen medan han klargjorde sanningen Falun Dafa för allmänheten och fördes till Yianmahes arbetsläger för två års straffarbete. Källor gör gällande att han inledde en hungerstrejk för att protestera mot den olagliga interneringen. Den 2 november meddelade arbetslägret hans familj att de kunde komma och hämta honom. Vid ankomsten visade det sig att han inte längre var i stånd att känna igen sina anhöriga och han hade stora blåmärken runt munnen som en följd av upprepad brutal tvångsmatning. Hans familj tog honom genast till sjukhuset för vård. På sjukhuset gavs han diagnosen nedsatt njurfunktion. Efter fem dagars akut behandling avled han, klockan 01:30 den 6 november. Den 7 november kremerades hans kropp.

Relaterade telefonnummer:

Lägg till 86 innan numren.
Yinmahe Labor Camp in Jiutai City: 431-236-3511 / 251-1833

Division of Special Education: 431-251-1834

Feng Qiao: head of the Biangang Police Department in Dehui City

Office: 431-7110010

Cell: 13804392009

Home: 431-7276100

Changchun City People's Congress Standing Committee

Address: No. 19 Great Jingyang Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone: 431-7612180

Changchun City People's Prosecutor

Address: No. 21 Great Jingyang Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone: 431-7684275

Changchun City Intermediate People's Court

Address: No. 26 Great Jingyang Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone: 431-7685400

Jilin Province People's Prosecutor

Address: No. 23 Great Jingyang Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone: 431-7668118

Jilin Province High People's Court

Address: No. 28 Zhengyang Street, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone: 431-7681030

Changchun City Legal Bureau

Address: No. 85 Minkang Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone number: 431-8692412

Changchun City Police Department

Address: No. 99 People's Street, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone number: 431-8922156

Changchun City Broadcast and Television Bureau

Address: No. 3 Baicao Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone number: 431-8922888

Changchun City People's Government

Address: No. 57 People's Street, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone number: 431-8925082

Changchun City Foreign Affairs Office

Address: No. 78 People's Street, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone number: 431-8991908

Jilin Province People's Government

Address: No. 11 Xinfa Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone number: 431-8912321

Jilin Province Department of Broadcasting and Television

Address: Sub No. 5 Xinminzhu Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone number: 431-5656972

Jilin Province Public Security Department

Address: No. 42 Xinfa Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone number: 431-2780701 / 272-2301

Jilin Province Legal Bureau

Address: No. 46 Xinfa Road. Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone number: 431-2750217 / 279-9873

Jilin Province Department of Civil Administration

Address: No. 34 Xinfa Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province

Phone number: 431-2710363

Reporting hotline of Jilin Province Legal Department: 431-279-5396

Reporting hotline of Jilin Province Attorney's Association: 431-766-8118

Jilin Province People's Prosecutor: 431-276-6216

Jilin Province Department of Supervision: 431-276-8915

Jilin Province Party Committee main switchboard: 431-892-7512-6

Jilin Province government main switchboard: 431-890-5114, 431-890-6114

Jilin Province Development Planning Commission: 431-897-6235

Jilin Province Science Commission: 431-897-2129

Jilin Province Workers' Union: 431-272-2626

Jilin Province Party Committee: 431-272-4839

Jilin Province Women's Association: 431-272-6802

Jilin Province Foreign Affairs Office: 431-271-4257

Jilin Province Civil Commission: 431-271-6460

Jilin Province Education Commission: 431-272-3367

Jilin Province Development Planning Commission: 431-890-4531

Jilin Province Disciplinary Inspection Commission: 431-890-2247

Jilin Province Department of Health: 431-272-3515

Jilin Province Department of Civil Administration: 431-890-2439

Jilin Province Department of Culture: 431-565-5010

Jilin Province Department of Construction: 431-892-3092

Jilin Province Economic and Trade Commission: 431-891-5372

Jilin Province Sport Reform Commission: 431-891-9308

Jilin Province Organization Bureau: 431-892-7876

Jilin Province People's Congress main switchboard: 431-562-9981-9

Jilin Province Politics Commission main switchboard: 431-285-5901-5

Jilin Province General Office: 431-891-2321

Jilin Province News and Publishing Bureau: 431-564-2668

Kinesisk version:

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