Dafa-utövaren Lu Chunyun donerade sitt livs hela besparingar till kommunen – utsätts nu för tortyr

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Dafa-utövaren Lu Chunyun från staden Liaoyuan i Jilinprovinsen, kidnappades av polisen den 18 juni 2003.

Lu började att utöva Falun Gong 1996 och förbättrade både sin hälsa och moral. 1998 bad kommunen i Liaoyuan om ekonomiskt stöd från allmänheten för att kunna bygga en vägbro i staden. Lu Chunyun donerade anonymt hela hennes besparing till brobygget, 60,000 Yuan. Det var den största donationen och uppskattades mycket av stadens invånare. Den 18 maj 1998 skrev den lokala pressen en artikel om donationen och vägbron fick inskriptionen ”anonym donator”.

Det är dessa goda människor som förföljs idag! Den barbariska förföljelsen Falun Gong-utövare har nu redan tagit livet av tre utövare i Liaoyuan.

Den besinningslösa polisen torterar Lu Chunyun, men hon kommer aldrig att samarbeta med dem, utan står orubbligt fast vid rätten att få vara en god människa. Vi ber alla godhjärtade människor om hjälp för att rädda Lu Chunyun.

Telefonnummer till ansvariga personer och avdelningar:

Slå först landsnumret 86 och riktnummer 437

Secretary, Municipal Committee: Zhao Zhenqi
Longshan Branch: Zhao (Head of Department)
Xi'an Branch: Pei (Head of Department)
Liaoyuan City main persecutor: Xu Jun
Liaoyuan City "610" Office: Pi Fuguo (Director)
Liaoyuan City "610" telephone: 86-437-3311714

Communist Party of China Liaoyuan City Committee
Address: 23 Dongjie Avenue Zip code: 136200
Party Committee Office: 3313867
Office of the Secretary of the Party Committee 3313832
Secretary Section: 3317870
Finance Section: 3314756
Miscellaneous Section: 3317537
Accounting Section: 3315623
Administration Section: 3317806
Information Section: 3315120
Roster Section: 3317822
Departmental Vehicle Team: 3315808
Departmental Canteen: 3313643
Departmental Service Center: 3312349

Communist Party of China Liaoyuan Disciplinary and Investigation Committee
Address: 23 Dongjie Avenue Zip code: 136200
Office: 331617, 3313228
Interrogations and Examinations Room: 3316190
Control, Inspection and Corrections Room: 3312766
Records of Inspections and Controls Rooms 1 and 2: 3316097
Confidential Interviews, Inspections and Controls Room : 3313794
Reports Center: 3313259
Environment Administration Office: 3225432

Communist Party of China Liaoyuan City Political and Judiciary Committee
Address: 23 Dongjie Avenue Zip code: 136200
Secretary's Office: 3315281, 3315187
General Office: 3312910

Communist Party of China Liaoyuan City Committee Propaganda Section
Address: 23 Dongjie Avenue Zip code: 136200
Room of Head of Department : 3313850
Room of Deputy Head of Department : 3310778, 3312037
General Office : 3315964
Office of the Director : 3319497
Miscellaneous Section : 3316700
News Management : 3312641
Propaganda Section, External Announcements: 3315349
Cadre Section : 3319177

Communist Party of China Liaoyuan City Committee Strategically Unified Actions
Address: 23 Dongjie Avenue Zip code: 136200
Room of Head of Department: 3312580
Room of Deputy Head of Department : 3311508, 3314029, 3314512
General Office: 3312955
Organization Section : 3315916
Organizers Office : 3313807
Cadre Section : 3313843
Cadre Training Section : 3316007
Video Education Center : 3223828

Liaoyuan City Committee Office Labor Section|
Address: 23 Dongjie Avenue Zip code: 136200
Secretary's Office : 3314170
General Office : 3316774
Workers Records Committee : 3317075

Liaoyuan City Committee Rural Labor Unit
Address: 23 Dongjie Avenue Zip code: 136200
Office of the Director: 3313653
Office of the Deputy Director : 3314978
General Office : 3312654

Liaoyuan City Committee Policy Research Room
Address: 23 Dongjie Avenue Zip code: 136200
Office of the Director : 3315979
Office of the Deputy Director : 3313855
Secretary Section : 3313853

Liaoyuan City Committee Party History Research Room
Address: 23 Dongjie Avenue Zip code: 136200
Office of the Director : 3313288

Government Organizations:

Liaoyuan City People's Congress Committee
Liaoyuan City People's Representatives Regular Committee
Address: 2 Beishou Avenue
General Office of the Director: 3224709, 3224948, 3224828
Secretary Section: 3224869
Finance Section: 3225746
Administration Section: 3226840
Research Room: 3223682
Appeals Reception Room: 3222417
Internal Affairs Management Committee: 3223801
Rural Economics Committee: 3222609
Finance and Economy Committee: 3222953
Teaching Materials Cultural Protection Committee: 3222888
National and Overseas Nationals Affairs Committee: 3224955
Civil Affairs Representatives Elections Committee: 3222411
Environment and Resources Protection Committee: 3222281
Duty Roster Room: 3222634

Municipal Government
Liaoyuan Municipal Government
Address: 15-17 Xiangyang Avenue
Main Switchboard: 3513663
Party Committee: 3515781
Director Office: 3520021, 3520011, 3520020
Routine Secretary Office: 3515967. 3513736
Finance Section: 3517383
Personal Affairs Section: 3517955
Information Section: 3513781
Administration Section: 3513869
Proposals Section: 3515960
Miscellaneous Section: 3513864
Public Security Section: 3516016
Superintendent Office: 3510440, 3512827
Liaison Department: 3515762
Legal Department: 3518135
Purchase Center: 3510578
Municipal Government Duty Roster Room: 3517390

Liaoyuan City Public Security Department
Address: 30 Xining Avenue
Main Switchboard : 3224805
Command Center : 3226025
Political Department : 3225911
Investigations Records Committee : 3224842
Public Security Detachment : 3222911
Political Assurance Detachment : 3225977
Logistics Equipment Department: 3262106
Crimes Police Detachment : 3227660
Family Politics Department : 3222962
Economic Protection Detachment : 3226358
Guardhouse: 3513414

Liaoyuan City Judiciary Department
Address: 88 Beishou Avenue
Head of Department: 3260799
Deputy Head of Department : 3222347, 32255054
General Office : 3223330
Legal Propaganda Office : 3225446
Grass Root Section : 3222274
Legal Aid Center: 3252141
Main Video Correspondence Course Center: 3257199
Duty Roster Room: 3223788

Liaoyuan City Public Security Department Xi'an Branch Office
Command Center: 3610770
Crimes Police Brigade: 3252737
Tai An Police Station: 3239752

Liaoyuan City Public Security Department Long Shan Branch
Head of Department Office : 3225471
Deputy Head of Department Office : 3225683, 3228649
General Office : 3228208
Political Committee Office : 3226626
Fire Prevention Section : 3225551
Command Center: 3257110, 3227880
Bei Zhou Police Station : 3227836
Dong Jie Police Station : 3226862
Fu Zhen Police Station: 3510427
Gong Nong Police Station: 3514952
Nan Kang Police Station: 3227848
Xi Ning Police Station: 3226979
Xiang Yang Police Station: 3516712
Xin Xing Police Station : 3317760
Zhan Qian Police Station: 3226510

Jilin Province Liaoyuan City Intermediate People's Law Court
Main Switchboard: 3520410, 3520411, 3520412, 3520414
General Office: 3520416
Normal Court Number 1: 3520415
Normal Court Number 2: 3520413

Liaoyuan City Long Shan District People's Law Court
Main Switchboard: 3222544, 3253520, 3253521. 3253522. 3253523
Principal of the Court: 3225785
Deputy Principal of the Court: 3225618, 3231615
General Office #225779
Registrar of the Law Court: 3224649
Civil Court Number 1: 3318095
Civil Court Number 2: 3227124
Suburban Law Court: 3515992

Liaoyuan City Xi'an District People's Law Court
Main Switchboard: 3610173, 3610912, 3610754

Liaoyuan City People's Procurator's Office
Main Switchboard: 3520525, 3529526, 3529527, 3520519
Luggage Office: 3520501, 3520521
Anti Corruption Department: 3520522
Report Lodging Center: 3522000

Liaoyuan City Long Shan People's Control Department
Chief Controller Office: 3515906
Deputy Controller Office: 3514798, 3515421, 3517245
General Office: 3516117
Investigations Records Governmental Works: 3515256
Anti Corruption Department: 3516902
Report Lodging Center: 3512000
Criminal Investigations Section: 3516619

Liaoyuan City Xi'an District People's Procurator's Office
Main Switchboard: 3610909, 3610908, 3616567, 3617078
Head of Investigations Office: 3610907
Head of Anti Corruption Office: 3616360
Report Lodging Room: 3612000

Nationality Groups
93 Education Agency Liao Yian City Committee: 3223453
League of Chinese Nationalities Liaoyuan City Committee: 3223632
Advancement of Chinese Nationalities Liaoyuan City Committee: 3223633
Society of Nationalities Construction Liaoyuan City Committee: 3223819
People's Reformation Liaoyuan City Committee: 3225652
Farm Workers Party Liaoyuan City Committee: 3225915

Liaoyuan City Joint Political Committee
Chief Secretary Office: 3223213
Secretary Section: 3225946
General Office: 3225706
Literature and History Committee Office: 3225444
Draft Resolution Committee Office: 3224662
Society and Law Committee Office: 3230155
Culture and Education Committee Office: 3225276
Economics Committee Office: 3224304
Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Chinese Nationals Committee Office: 3225108
Administration Section, Retired Cadres Section: 3226323
Committees Liaison Section, Entrance Guard: 3222865

Liaoyuan City Women's Federation
President Office: 3314700
Deputy President Office: 3312695
General Office: 3319905
Liaoyuan City Overseas Chinese Alliance: 3316635

Liaoyuan City Industry and Commerce Federation
President Office: 3225480
General Office: 3224504

Översatt från: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2003/7/7/37840.html
Kinesisk version: http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/6/23/52722.html

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