Yi Haizhu befinner sig i ett kritiskt tillstånd efter att ha hungerstrejkat i 50 dagar

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Falun Gong-utövaren Yi Haizhu från Jianmusi befinner sig i ett kritiskt tillstånd vid Interneringscenter Nr. 1. Hon har skickats till sjukhuset för vård flera gånger. Trots hennes tillstånd planerar Hegangpolisen att skicka henne till fängelse på falska anklagelser.

Den 27 februari 2006 arresterades Yi Haizhu olagligt av Hegangpolisen. Hon vägrade att svara på frågor. I protest inledde hon en hungerstrejk som nu varat i över 50 dagar. Under den tiden har hon skickats till sjukhuset flera gånger. Enligt källor har fängelseledningen beordrat dagliga injektioner med näring istället för att släppa henne. Yi Haizhu befinner sig nu i ett kritiskt tillstånd.

Yi Haizhus föräldrar och nära släktingar har försökt få Hegangpolisen att släppa henne, men de har inte ens fått träffa henne. Hegangpolisen planerar också att skicka henne i fängelse på falska anklagelser.

Hegang City Police Department:
Main switchboard: 86-468-3340600, 86-468-3340277
Address: Hongqi Road, Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province
Ren Xiubin: head of the police department, 86-468-3344591, 86-468-3522015
Zhang Chunqing, deputy head and deputy CCP secretary at the police department: 86-13904682688 (Cell), 86-468-3353188 (Home), 86-468-3353909 (Office)
Ma Baotai, deputy head of police department: 86-468-3226789 (Home), 86-13803680777 (Cell), 86-468-3333777 (Office); he personally directed the arrest of more than 50 Falun Gong practitioners at a Fa conference on September 7, 2005
Lin Zhongfu, deputy head of police department: 86-13904680888 (Cell); used to be in charge of persecuting Falun Gong
Yao Wenbo, deputy head of police department: 86-468-3222490 (Home), 86-13904680065 (Cell), 86-468-3344591 (Office)
Zhao Yanfeng, female, deputy head of police department: 86-468-3427918 (Home), 86-13904682257 (Cell), 86-468-3340257 (Office)
Zhao Rongzhou, deputy head of police department: 86-468-3351178 (Home), 86-13945760333 (Cell), 86-468-3352233 (Office)
Liu Weidong, head of National Security Division: 86-468-3230391 (Home), 86-13904883910 (Cell), 86-468-3345610 (Office)

Gongnong Police Department in Hegang City:

Main office: 86-468-3436110
He Qingyan, Chief of Hegang Public Security Bureau at Hegang Branch: 86-468-3458668(Home), 86-13904681298(Cell), 86-468-3423113(Office)
Zhang Xinchang, political secretary: 86-468-3450508(Office), 86-468-3347796(Home), 86-13904680435(Cell)
Li Shujiang, Deputy chief of Gongnong Police Department: 86-468-3429199 (Home), 86-13069950888(Home), 86-468-3425698 (Office)
Jiang Tao, Deputy chief: 86-468-3434668 (Home), 86-13304687777 (Cell), 86-468-3422575(Office)
Zhao Ji, Head of the Criminal Police Team: 86-468-3420688 (Home), 86-13946716777 (Cell), 86-468-3423798 (Office)
Ding Dianhua, Political head of Criminal Police Team: 86-468-3454305 (Home), 86-13945751999 (Cell)
Zhang Jun, Deputy head of the Criminal Police Team: 86-468-3428432 (Home), 86-13009978427 (Cell)
Li Xianghui, Deputy head of the Criminal Police Team, 86-468-3453723 (home), 86-13945750018 (Cell)

No. 2 Detention Center of Hegang City:
Head office: 86-468-3400001, 3400002, 3400004, 3400006, 3400007, 3400009

Fax: 86-468-3400008 (Office)
Director Li Shulin: 86-468-3355666, 86-468-3349999, 86-13904683000 (Cell), 86-468-3400001
Political head Liu Zhengke: 86-468-3451033, 86-13945761176 (Cell)

Detoxification Center director Zhang Fuhong: 86-468-3434969, 86-13904683833 (Cell), 86-468-3400003
Deputy director You Jie: 86-468-3343467, 86-13846812233 (Cell), 86-468-3400004
Deputy director Ren Xiusong: 86-468-3351119, 86-13946760537 (Cell), 86-468-3400007

No. 1 Detention Center of Hegang City
Li Yingchen, Director: 86-468-3400777, 86-468-3279283 (Home), 86-13803681777 (Cell)
Kong Fanqi, Political head: 340617186-468 (Office), 86-468-3457288 (Home), 86-13945769618 (Cell)
Zhao Yinghuan, deputy head: 386-468-406171(Office): 86-468-3433737 (Home), 86-13803680007(Cell)
Wang Qinglong, deputy head: 86-468-3406171(Office), 86-13019026995 (Cell)

Översatt från: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2006/4/28/72552.html
Kinesisk verison: http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2006/4/21/125724.html

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