Polis i Shulan, Jilinprovinsen, för bort utövare, Chen Yuxia nära dö av tvångsmatning

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Nyligen har den statliga säkerhetsbyrån sänt personal till staden Shulan, för att leda förföljelsen av Dafa-utövare där. Polisen har använt sig av huvudnycklar för att ta sig in i utövares hem. Hemmen genomsöktes och utövarna fördes sedan iväg. Mer än 30 utövare har internerats i Shulans interneringscenter. Bland dessa finns Xu Shulan, Zhao Yiguang, Liang Duo, Shao Guirong, Meng Xianqin, Dong Haifen, Yu Haiwen, Chen Yuxia, etc. Dessa utövare hungerstrejkar alla i protest mot den olagliga interneringen. Chen Yuxia var nära att dö till följd av tvångamatning, så hon skickades till sjukhus för akutbehandling.

Personalen från den statliga säkerhetsbyrån bor på Shulan City Hotel. Nedan är deras telefonnummer:

Please add [00 /red.] 86-432 when calling the numbers below.

Director of Shulan City Police station, office, 8224808/8225114.
Discipline Supervising Office of Shulan City Police station, 8239078.
Political Security Section of Shulan City Police station, 8225509.
Public Safety Section of Shulan City Police station, 8222562.
Shulan City Detention Center, 8251265.
Beicheng Police Station in Shulan City, 8223932/8225923
Huancheng Police Station in Shulan City, 8223069/8225074.
Nancheng Police Station in Shulan City, 8223087/8224545.
Shujiao Police Station in Shulan City, 8222647.
The Chief Procurator of Shulan City Procuratorate Office, 8224271/8223173/8239263/8238131.
Discipline Supervising Secretary of Shulan City Procuratorate, 8238951.
Law and Discipline Office of Shulan City Procuratorate, 8227810.
Second Criminal Justice Office of Shulan City Procuratorate, 8224978.
Report Center of Shulan City Procuratorate, 8221200.
Shulan City Court House Office, 8222574.
Shulan City Penal Court Room, 8223825.
Shulan City Hall Legal Bureau Chair, 8210008/8223711.
Shulan City Hall Legal Bureau Office, 8225703.
Shulan City CCP Committee Chief Secretary Office, 8222812.
Office Manager of Shulan City CCP Committee, 8210323.
General Office of Shulan City CCP Committee, 8222874.
Political and Judiciary Committee of Shulan City CCP Committee, 8210186.
Secretary of Discipline Supervising Committee of Shulan City CCP Committee, 8210011.
General Office of Discipline Supervising Committee of Shulan City CCP Committee, 8223849.
Huancheng Neighborhood Administration Office in Shulan City, 8222877.
Beicheng Neighborhood Administration Office in Shulan City, 8221387.
Nancheng Neighborhood Administration Office in Shulan City, 8222387.
Shulan City Hotel Operator, 8222141/8222142/8222143/8222144/8222145.
Shulan City Hotel, Manager Office, 8222776.
Shulan City Hotel, Reception Office, 8222744.

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